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VH1 Save The Music News!


In this issue of VH1 Save The Music News!

Babies Remember Music Heard In The Womb

Babies Remember Music Heard In The Womb

According to the results of a small UK study, children recognize and prefer music they were exposed to in the womb for at least a year after they are born.

Researcher Dr. Alexandra Lamont stated that while she found no evidence that just playing music to babies improved their intelligence, the results are exciting as they suggest that the developing brain is capable of storing and recovering memories over a long period of time.

Hepper added, ``At a more general level, the results indicate that environmental factors experienced by the fetus may have a long-term influence on its development. And they support the growing realization that the prenatal period is more important than previously thought.''

For a more in depth account of the study access:

The VH1 Save The Music initiative is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of education in America's public schools by restoring and supporting music programs in cities across the country, and by raising public awareness about the importance of music participation for our Nation's youth.

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