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The Unique 2-To-1 Coil Pattern Of Puresound’s New "221" Snare Wires
Offers Drummers A New Sound Option


Puresound Percussion’s new "221" snare wires create a truly unique set of snare drum tonal and performance characteristics by utilizing a revolutionary 2-to-1 coil design. Each of the 221’s eight heavy-gauge strands is made up of a pattern of two long coils and one short coil to achieve a drier, darker, distinctively gutty sound that is recommended for a variety of live and recorded situations. The 221 model #P-14221 is currently available for most 14" snare drums and carries a suggested retail price of $42.95.

For additional information please contact Puresound Percussion at 2050 Cotner Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025, tel: 310-966-1176, fax: 310-473-4255, e-mail: info@puresoundpercussion.com Dealer inquiries are invited.

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